Sunday, 2 December 2012

Writing reflection #4

Question 1

    This week in class we talked a lot about our futures as students. This topic is really stressful to me because honestly I have no idea what I want to do after high-school. There are so many options to chose from like going to college or university or taking a year off of school to work a full time job, or even the most tempting decision of all, to just relax for awhile, be lazy and see what comes your way.
    The part I am struggling most with I think is trying to decide that if I go to college or university, which one to go to, and what to take? There are way too many choices.  It's so overwhelming it's driving me crazy.
      I do quite well in graphic arts so I'm hoping I can use my blog to advertise some of the designs I can make to help me possibly get an apprenticeship somewhere for graphic design.

Question 2

Comment 1
First comment I made was on Katelyn Komhers' blog. I commented on her personal post of a picture where she is at the Minneapolis Aquarium. I really liked this post because she is at my favourite place in the world. I love that aquarium and I've been there about 12 times in my life. My comment on Katelyn's blog wasn't exactly insightful or anything like that but I couldn't resist commenting on it.

Comment 2

My second comment was on Jamie's blog. I commented on her writing reflection on six words memoirs because I could really relate to how tough it was to get started on them. It also led me to go look at her six word memoirs. The one I liked the most was her memoir about family. I liked this one because it sounded like it was almost a quote that a well known writer wrote. By leaving a good comment I hope I helped her decide to continue to keep writing and creating her wonderful 6 word memoirs. 

Comment 3

My last comment was on Jordan's blog on one of her personal posts about a music festival in a desert in California! This festival reminded me a lot of the country fest we have near winnipeg in Dauphin. I was really interested in this post because I had never heard of this festival before, even though it has had some pretty big name artists perform at it in the past.  Hopefully this comment helped convince jordan to bring me with her if she ever attends this amazing concert.

Writing reflection #3

    This week in class we wrote some six word memoirs. I found the six word memoirs really difficult to be honest. What I did was I found a thought and then tried to shorten it into six words. I'm not sure if there was maybe a better way to do that but I sure didn't find it.
     I chose to stay in the class instead of solitary confinement because it was to early in the morning to be moving around a lot and because I find that writing at a desk is a lot easier than writing on the floor in the halls. Staying in class worked well considering I got all of my memoirs done and even had some extras.
    I learnt that as a writer, I will get good ideas, but it just takes me a little longer to come up with something to write. Also I learnt that six word memoirs are not my forte.

reading reflection #7

Halo: The Forerunner Saga
Greg Bear
pages 300-346

    This will be my last reading reflection on Halo the Forerunner Saga. Throughout this entire book I was thoroughly entertained! Even though at times during the book I had a hard time understanding what some words were or meant because they were some kind of alien device. I also had a hard time picturing what some of the creatures looked like because of the weird features most of them had.
    My predictions from my previous reading reflection was correct about the Librarian! At the very end of the book Bornstellar meets her at "The Arc" which is the librarian's giant space station that sustains a couple of almost every known species in the universe.  When they meet they have a very deep discussion of matters that are top secret and only people that have read the book will know!
      After finishing this book, I realized  that there are books out there that I will enjoy. I just need to look for them.  Before this book I really disliked reading and I would only read when I had to unless it was a sign on the street or a text message from my friend. I really recommend this series to anyone that has seen my reflections.

Reading reflection #6

Halo: The Forerunner Saga
Greg Bear
pages 283-300

    As I predicted in my last reflection, the Master builder known as Faber has done something evil. During his trial, an Ancilla called Mendicate Bias appeared and froze everyone's armor up while taking control of Bornstellars armor to force him to walk away from the trial. I won't go into too much detail about that because I don't want to ruin the book but I knew something like this would happen.
      During this scene all I could do was keep reading even when my mom called for supper.  In this segment of my book there was also a big twist! I learnt that the Didact could speak through the voice of Bornstellar either through his mind or maybe the voice and memory of the Didact was left in his imprint that Bornstellar received during the brevet mutation.
      The last part of my book is coming up and I have a few predictions to make: 1st, I think Bornstellar will grow into a smaller version of the Didact and inherit some of his battle experience so he won't be so defenceless in a battle. 2, I also think that we will meet the librarian soon that we havent heard from or about in awhile so I'll be expecting her.

reading reflection #5

Halo: The Forerunner Saga
Greg Bear
Pages 267-282

   When I picked up reading again Bornstellar was on a counsellor ship heading towards the capital with a few young counsellors. The ship they were on was said to be one of the fastest ever made but for some reason a journey that should have only taken about 2-3 hours is going to take 2-3 days.  I am very curious as to why that is? Couldn't they just go into slip space like they had during other travels across the galaxy?
   Also on this ship ride I think Bornstellar has developed a crush on a female warrior servant named Glory. I don't think anything will develop out of this because of the circumstances. 
    Bornstellar bas been asked to go to the capital to testify on the behalf of the Didact against the Master builder (Faber)
    I don't know what Faber is accused of but hopefully the last 50 pages will clear all of this up and tell me what he did wrong.
     I predict that the last 50 pages will have some sort of action because well quite frankly what's a halo book with out some suspense. I also think that Faber will somehow escape from the trial or do some evil deed. 

reading reflection #4

Halo: The Forerunner Saga
Greg Bear
pages 240-266

    Now that I am at chapter 34, almost all of the questions I had in my last reading reflection have been answered except my question about what happened to the humans? I don't know if they are even still alive or held captive somewhere? I don't have a clue. What I do know though, is that the Didact is still alive somewhere, one of the counsellors confirmed that when Bornstellar asked.
     I think the brevet mutation that Bornstellar had to endure is still affecting him greatly in many different ways.  He is almost at war with himself in his thoughts, like the Didact's imprint inside him is fighting for dominance of Bornstellar's mind. Also Bornstellar's eating habits have changed a lot.  Some of the foods he used to love to eat now make him sick or feel weak. I find that his eating habits changing is weird because the food I eat now most likely won't change when I'm older unless they invent a new way of eating and all new food types.  
    That is something I find cool in the book; the armor that Forerunners wear all the time can maintain life on its own by recycling nutrients that their bodies absorb and release.
    I predict that in the next section of my book, the humans will unfortunately be cut out whether it be by death, exile or imprisonment. I'm not sure but I don't think they will be back which is a shame because I really like Chakas and Riser. Mostly because they were humans but I don't see why the master builder (Faber) would keep them around they have no use to him and his plans.

Reading response #3

Halo: The Fore runners saga
Greg Bear
Page 206-224

As I near the end of my book, I wish there was still 200 pages left. This is a great book with an amazing story and plot. Although there hasn't been any of the action I expected from a halo book, the actual plot has made up for that lack of action though. 
   Who knows though there's still 120 pages left, plenty of room for a nice fight scene or some sort of action
   Where I left off the main character got separated from his group and they are now galaxies apart from each other, and since the story is being told from the point of view of the young fore runner, I have no idea what is happening with the didact and the humans. I am also curious as to what the young fore runners father does for business for him to have power over the master builder to keep the young fore runner alive. I hope I get some answers in the next dozen pages of this amazing book.

Friday, 23 November 2012

reading reflection 1

I started to read a book called Halo Cryptum the Forerunner Saga, and throughout the first 30 pages or so I think that I will enjoy this book a lot! I was really drawn to this book because I had played the halo video games and I thought the campaigns for them were unreal.  The book Halo Cryptum kind of started of a little slow trying give the reader a good background of what is happening in the main characters life before his big adventure. I did enjoy the extensive detail the author added to how the young forerunners life had been for the past while, why he is where he is, and why he is different than all the other younger forerunners in the world.
                My predictions for this book are quite common for something that has to do with halo, so lots of action, a good story line, and that it will be something that I will end up using a lot of free time on!
                I wonder what the main conflict of this story will be! I’m really excited to find out. Knowing a little bit about halo, I know that it will be amazing.
As most of you can tell I am very excited about this book, next week I will post my thoughts about this book.